Item Configuration

Here you can view all the configuration, examples and options for creating items in Player Economy.

Item Creation

In Player Economy you customize the items that are displayed in the menu, how they are displayed and what they do, there are a lot of item tags for you to be able to accomplish this.

Item Material

When creating an item, you will always need to provide a material type, material type is just what the item is. Make sure when using item materials, they're all capitals and they are a correct material from the list here.

Make sure the material you're using from the list, exists in your Minecraft version otherwise the item will not be shown in the menu. If you're using a Minecraft version lower than 1.13, you may want to also check out Item Data.

Here is an example on how to use materials, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Alternatively, if you are either using ItemsAdder or Oxraen, you can easily use their custom items by using the following format.

# ItemsAdder:
  material: itemsadder-bananna
  slot: 0
  material: oxraen-enderchest
  slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Data

When creating an item in Minecraft versions 1.12 and below, you may need to provide an item data type to correspond to the item you want. These item data types are usually used when you have multiple types or states of one block for example stained glass, you have multiple colors of this glass.

If you need to get the item data, you can use F3+H in game to enable advanced tooltips, then you will be able to view the item data type after the / like shown below.

You can also use item data to specify the damage value of the item as well, this will only work if the item can actually be damaged though.

Here is an example on how to use materials with item data values, below in the example it will show a magenta stained glass pane in the menu.

Configuration Example

   data: 2
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.

Item Amount

When creating an item, you will need to specify the amount you want to be displayed in the menu. If you do not specify any amount, the default will be thus making it not showing in the menu.

You cannot exceed over the maximum stack size of the menu, which is 64, the number will also need to be a positive number as well.

Item Name

When creating an item, you can modify the item name that is displayed when you hover over the item. With display names you may also have color codes in the name as well to make it stand out in the menu.

Here is an example on how to use item names, below in the example it will show a diamond sword with the name as Knife as red in the menu.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   name: "&cKnife"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Lore

When creating an item, you can have a description in your item so when you hover over the item it will show the description below the item name. With lores you can have color codes and have multiple lines in the description as well.

The color will not go onto the next line so you will also need to put it on the other lines as well.

Here is an example on how to use item lores, below in the example it will show a diamond sword with the 1st line as This is a item, with the color blue with the second line as description example. with the color blue again in the menu.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "&bThis is a item"
     - "&bdescription example."
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Glowing

When creating an item, you can give the item a glowing affect, it gives the item an invisible enchantment that you cannot see and makes your menu look more shiny.

Here is an example on how to use the glowing affect, below in the example it will show a glowing diamond sword in the menu.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   glowing: true
   amount: 1
   slot: i

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Skull Owner

When creating player heads, you can give the player head an owner. The owner of player head will be the skin of the head, you can put any players name as the owner or you could put [owner] for it to set the skulls owner as the player that is viewing the menu.

Remember, when creating player heads its different in 1.13 and 1.12 and below. If you're using 1.12 and below please make sure the data value is 3 and the material is SKULL, if you're using 1.13 you will not need a data value and the material will be PLAYER_HEAD

Here is an example on how to create player heads with an owner, below in the example it will show a skull with my skin as I'm viewing the menu.

Configuration Example

1: # Example for 1.13+
   material: PLAYER_HEAD
   owner: [owner]
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
2: # Example for 1.12-
   material: SKULL_ITEM
   owner: [owner]
   data: 3
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Skull Texture

When creating player heads, you can give the player head a texture. Unlike the skull owners, an existing player has to have that skin textures don't and you can create and use some awesome looking skulls.

There are loads of sites you can get the Base64 texture from like here and then copy the value field for your texture.

Here is an example on how to create player heads with a texture, below in the example it will show a skull with as a computer.

Configuration Example

1: # Example for 1.13+
   material: PLAYER_HEAD
   texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTc4Mjk1ZThlYzEwZjlmYmEzZjBjN2IxMTRkMzM0OTkyYjAzZjRlMjNmODA2NDc2NmVlNDM0ZGRjZGExMjdmMSJ9fX0=
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
2: # Example for 1.12-
   material: SKULL_ITEM
   texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTc4Mjk1ZThlYzEwZjlmYmEzZjBjN2IxMTRkMzM0OTkyYjAzZjRlMjNmODA2NDc2NmVlNDM0ZGRjZGExMjdmMSJ9fX0=
   data: 3
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Potion Data

When creating potions, you can select any type of potion material. For example SPASH_POTION, POTION, LINGERING_POTION, TIPPED_ARROW

A potion will also need the effect, duration and the amplifier. The effect of potion is what is given to you when the potion is splashed. You can view all the potion effect names here. The amplifier is how strong the potion is, remember this starts from 0! The duration is how long the potion lasts, this is measured in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) and not seconds!

You can also add underlying potion type, this will not give the effect. But instead changes the item displayed. Remeber potion effect types are not potion types. You can find a list of potion types here

Here is an example on how to create potions, below in the example it will show a splash potion with speed 2 lasting for 2 seconds.

Configuration Example

   material: SPLASH_POTION
   effect: SPEED
   amplifier: 1
   duration: 40
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
   material: TIPPED_ARROW
   potion: SPEED
   replaced: false
   extended: false
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


When creating banners, you may want to be able to add dye color and patterns. To view the full list of dyes you can use are from the list here. To view the full list of patterns you can use are from the list here.

Here is an example on how to use banner data, below in the example it will show a black banner with a red border.

Configuration Example

1: # Example for 1.13+
   material: BLACK_BANNER
       dye: RED
       pattern: BORDER
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
2: # Example for 1.12-
   material: BANNER
       dye: RED
       pattern: BORDER
   data: 0
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Armor Color

When creating items that are armor, depending on the type of armor you can add color to it! As of right now you can only add color to Leather. When adding the color make sure u use the RGB format. You can use an RGB picker here.

Configuration Example

   material: LEATHER_BOOTS
   color: "252, 186, 3"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Flags

When creating items, you can disable the item flags for the item so it doesn't show information that you may not want to show when hovering over the item. Make sure when using item flags, they're all capitals and they are a correct flag from the list here.

Here is an example on how to use item flags, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu without the When in main hand: in the menu.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Enchantments

When creating an item, you can add enchantments and what level of those enchantments on that item. Make sure when you're adding enchantments, they're all capitals and they are a enchantment from the list here.

Here is an example on how to use enchantments, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu with the unbreaking level 1 enchantment.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "DURABILITY:1"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example would look like in the menu.


Item Commands

When creating an item, you may want the item to execute a type of action when left or right clicking the item. You can view the command actions and how to use them here.

Here is an example on how to use item commands, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu and when you click on it it'll say hey in chat.

Configuration Example

1: # Only listening for right click
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "[message] hey"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
2: # Only listening for left click
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "[message] hey"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
3: # Listening for both
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "[message] hey"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Here is a preview of what the above example how it works in the menu.


Item NBT Data

When creating an item, you can specify NBT item tags for your item for whatever reason. NBT tags have two parts, the key and the value.

Here is an example on how to use item NBT data, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu with a NBT data string named Sword and the value being Awesome.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "Sword:Awesome"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Item Model Data

When creating an item, you may want the item be displayed as a texture from your texture pack.

Here is an example on how to use item custom model data, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the menu with a custom model data of 1.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   custom-model-data: 1
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Item Unbreakable

When creating an item with damage, you may want the durability status to be removed from the tooltip on the item if some players have the setting "Item Tooltips" enabled.

Here is an example on how to use unbreakable.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   unbreakable: true
   amount: 1
   slot: 0

Item Slot

When creating an item, you will need to specify a slot of where your item will be in the menu. Item slots always start from 0, meaning slot 0 will be slot 1 in the menu.

Slots can only be 0 to the menu size - 1, for example if your menu size is 27, it'll be 0-26. There are 3 different ways on how you can specify slots in the configuration.

Here is an example on how to use item slots, below in the example it will show a diamond sword in the slots 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the menu.

If you wish to remove an existing item from the inventory, but you want to keep it in the file. You can set the slot to -1 to remove it from the menu.

Configuration Example

1: # Using the slot range system
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   slot: 0-8
   amount: 1
2: # Using the slot list system
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   slot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
   amount: 1
  # Using the manual slot system, then repeat this 7 more 
  # times but with a different slot number. (very painful)
   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
   slot: 0
   amount: 1

Item View Requirements

When creating an item, you can add certain requirements to only view the item. If the requirement does not meet then it will not show the item. If the requirement is met, it will show the item.

View more information about requirements here.

Here is an example on how to use the item view requirements, below in the example the player needs the permission "item.view" to see the item.

Configuration Example

  material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  amount: 1
  slot: 0
      inverted: false
      cached: true
      permission: "item.view"
      type: has permission

Item Click Requirements

When creating an item, you can add certain requirements to only click the item. If the requirement does not meet then it will not allow the item to be clicked and execute deny commands. If the requirement is met, it will allow the item to be clicked and execute success commands. Note, it will also execute the item commands if successful.

View more information about requirements here.

Here is an example on how to use the item click requirements, below in the example the player needs the permission "" to click the item.

Configuration Example

   material: DIAMOND_SWORD
     - "[message] hey"
   amount: 1
   slot: 0
       inverted: false
       cached: true
       permission: ""
       type: has permission
         - "[message] you don't have permission"
        - "[message] you have permission"

Item Placeholders

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