Here you can view all the supported extensions information for Player Warps.
Player Warps depends on Vault so you can use any of your favorite economy/permissions plugins that will be used in Player Warps by hooking into Vault.
Player Warps hooks into PlaceholderAPI so you can use the Player Warps placeholders everywhere that supports PlaceholderAPI. You can also use placeholders from PlaceHolderAPI anywhere in Player Warps. Here is a list of the current placeholders supported by Player Warps.
View the amount of your current warps.
View the amount of current warps a player can set.
View the warps in a list for that player.
Check the modifiers below.
View the server warps in a list.
Check the modifiers below.
View the maximum amount of warps that you can set.
View the amount of current warps on the server.
View the amount of warps that have been visited.
View the percentage of warps that have been visited.
View the amount of current warps for that category.
View the modifier of a specific warp in the warp list.
Check modifiers below.
View the modifier of a warp in that position of the warp list.
Check modifiers below.
View the modifier of a warp that is currently in that sponsor id.
Check modifiers below.
View the modifier of the current warp that is assigned to the player via a menu.
Check modifiers below.
View the current category name that is assigned to the player via a menu.
View the current category display name that is assigned to the player via a menu.
View the current page that is assigned to the player via a menu.
View the current pages that is assigned to the player via a menu.
Some placeholders do support modifiers, which allow you to grab information on a certain warp.
Please remember, warp names may contain "_" which will break any placeholder using a modifier. You need to make sure you adapt to this change by surrounding the warp names in <> For example %pw_warp_name_<test>_owner% this is very important.
If the warp is safe or not.
Get the owner of the warp.
Get the owner UUID of the warp.
Get the actual name of the warp.
Get the display name of the warp.
Get the ID of the warp
Get the favourite count for that warp.
Get the location of the warp.
Get the visits of the warp
Get the amount of purged visits for that warp.
Get the amount of visits the player has visited for that warp.
This will only work if you have the visited players menu enabled.
If the player has visited the warp or not.
This will only work if you have the visited warps menu enabled.
Get the category of the warp.
Get the total amount of rates for that warp.
Get the average amount of rates represented as stars for that warp.
Get the world of the warp.
Get the world type of the warp.
Get the teleport cost of the warp in a formatted way.
Get the teleport cost of the warp that strips out all text.
Get the set cost of the warp in a formatted way.
Get the set cost of the warp that strips out all text.
Get the server the warp is in.
If the warp is sponsoring then it will show the amount of time left until the sponsor ends.
Get the date the warp was created.
Get the next rent due date for the warp.
Get the warp password.
If the warp is locked or not in formatted text.
If the warp is locked or not with no format.
If the warp has a password or not.
Get the amount players paid for that warp.
Get the description of the warp.
Get the unwrapped description of the warp.
These are the current warp expansions, that hook into other plugins to change on how the plugin works. You can configure all these expansions and change how they work in the expansions.yml. Every expansion is configurable.
Player Warps hooks into BlueMap as an addon so you can view the warps on the server via the BlueMap web server interface. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable bluemap support?
# You need bluemap installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What is the layer name?
layer-name: "PlayerWarps"
Player Warps hooks into Dynmap as an addon so you can view the warps on the server via the Dynmap web server interface. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable dynmap support?
# You need dynmap installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What is the marker icon?
marker-icon: star
# What is the layer name?
layer-name: "PlayerWarps"
# What is the description of the marker?
- "Owner: [owner]"
- "Visits: [visits]"
- "Description: [desc]"
- "Time Created: [date]"
- "Category: [category]"
- "Rates: [rates]"
- "Rates Average: [rates_average] ([rates_stars])"
Player Warps hooks into Pl3xMap as an addon so you can view the warps on the server via the Pl3xMap web server interface. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable pl3xmap/squaremap support?
# You need pl3xmap/squaremap installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What is the layer name?
layer-name: "PlayerWarps"
# What is the tooltip for the marker?
- "[warp]"
- " "
- "Owner: [owner]"
- "Visits: [visits]"
- "Description: [desc]"
- "Time Created: [date]"
- "Category: [category]"
- "Rates: [rates]"
- "Rates Average: [rates_average] ([rates_stars])"
# What is the icon size?
icon-size: 16
# What is the anchor x?
icon-x: 8
# What is the anchor z?
icon-z: 16
# Should the layer be hidden by default?
default-hidden: false
Player Warps hooks into ASkyBlock as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own islands. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable askyblock support?
# You need askyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when an island is created?
create: fals
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the island is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
Player Warps hooks into BentoBox as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own islands. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable bentobox support?
# You need bentobox installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when an island is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the island is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
Player Warps hooks into FabledSkyBlock as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own island. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable fabledskyblock support?
# You need fabledskyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when an island is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the island is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
Player Warps hooks into IridiumSkyblock as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own island. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable iridiumskyblock support?
# You need iridiumskyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when an island is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the island is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
Player Warps hooks into Factions as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable factions support?
# You need factions installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp get deleted once the faction is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claims? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into FactionsUUID as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable factionsuuid support?
# You need factionsuuid installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp get deleted once the faction is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claims? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into SaberFactions as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable saberfactions support?
# You need saberfactions installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp get deleted once the faction is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claims? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into FactionsX as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable factionsx support?
# You need factionsx installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp get deleted once the faction is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claims? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into GriefPrevention as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable griefprevention support?
# You need griefprevention installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a claim is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the claim is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claim? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into GriefDefender as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable griefdefender support?
# You need griefdefender installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a claim is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the claim is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in claim? If disabled, they can set warps in their claim or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into Lands as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own land. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable lands support?
# You need lands installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a land is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp be created when a land spawn is set? (Only works if create is disabled)
spawn-create: false
# Should the warp get deleted once the land is deleted?
delete: true
# Should the warp get deleted once the land spawn is deleted? (Only works if spawn-create is enabled)
spawn-delete: false
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
# Force PlayerWarps to allow warps to bypass land restrictions
force: false
not-in-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a land"
dont-own-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this land."
Player Warps hooks into LandLord as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own land. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable landlord support?
# You need landlord installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a land is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the land is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a land"
dont-own-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this land."
Player Warps hooks into KingdomsX as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own land. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable kingdomsx support?
# You need kingdomsx installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a land is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the land is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a land"
dont-own-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this land."
Player Warps hooks into Residence as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own land. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable residence support?
# You need Residence installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a land is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the land is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a land"
dont-own-land: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this land."
not-allowed-to-tp: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't teleport to this warp, &cYou don't have permission to teleport there."
Player Warps hooks into UltimateClaims as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable ultimateclaims support?
# You need ultimateclaims installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a claim is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the claim is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a claim"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into ClaimChunk as an addon so players are restricted to create warps and manage warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable claimchunk support?
# You need claimchunk installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a claim is created?
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a claim"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into CrashClaims as an addon so players are restricted to create warps and manage warps in their own claims. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable crashclaims support?
# You need crashclaims installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should they only be able to set warps in lands? If disabled, they can set warps in their land or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a claim"
dont-own-claim: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into PlotSquared as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically create/delete warps in their own plots. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable plotsquared support?
# You need plotsquared installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a plot is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the plot is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in plots? If disabled, they can set warps in their plot or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-plot: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a plot!"
dont-own-plot: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you dont own this plot!"
Player Warps hooks into SimpleSkyBlock as an addon so players are restricted to create warps and manage warps in their own islands. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable simpleskyblock support?
# You need simpleskyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
Player Warps hooks into SuperiorSkyBlock as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own islands. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable superiorskyblock support?
# You need superiorskyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a claim is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the faction is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in islands? If disabled, they can set warps on their island or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't on a island!"
dont-own-island: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this island."
island-banned: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't teleport here, because you're banned from this island!"
island-locked: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't teleport here, because this island is locked!"
Player Warps hooks into Towny as an addon so players are restricted to create warps and manage warps in their own towns. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable towny support?
# You need towny installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp get deleted once the town is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in towns? If disabled, they can set warps in their town or wilderness.
only-land: true
# Should the plugin cancel the warp teleportation if the warp they're teleporting to is enemey land?
cancel-enemy-teleport: false
not-in-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a town!"
dont-own-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this town."
town-teleport-enemy: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't teleport to this warp as its in enemy land."
Player Warps hooks into HuskTowns as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own towns. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable husktowns support?
# You need husktowns installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should the warp be created when a town is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the town is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in towns? If disabled, they can set warps in their town or wilderness.
only-land: true
# What is the required level for a town to set a warp?
required-level: 0
not-in-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a town!"
dont-own-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this town."
not-required-level: "%prefix% &cSorry your town doesn't meet the level requirements"
Player Warps hooks into HuskClaims as an addon so players are restricted to create warps, manage warps and automatically delete warps in their own towns. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable huskclaims support?
# You need huskclaims installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Should trusted members be treated like the owner of the town?
trusted-members: true
# Should the warp be created when a town is created?
create: false
# What should the warp name be called when its created? Only as of right now you can use %player%
warp-name-creation: "%player%"
# Should the warp get deleted once the town is deleted?
delete: true
# Should they only be able to set warps in towns? If disabled, they can set warps in their town or wilderness.
only-land: true
not-in-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, &cYou aren't in a claim!"
dont-own-town: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you don't own this claim."
Player Warps hooks into WorldGuard as an addon so players are restricted to create warps in regions. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable worldguard support?
# You need worldguard installed for this to work!
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# Do you want to revert the addon to make players force to be in a region? If so the message below will be displayed as not being in a region.
revert: false
# When reverted, do players need to be a member/owner of the region?
owner-member: false
# Should the warp get deleted once the region is deleted?
# Due to limitations of WorldGuard, this setting will only work if you have ProtectionStones enabled on your server.
delete: false
in-region: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you are in a region!"
dont-own-region: "%prefix% &cSorry you can't set a warp here, because you dont own this region!"
Player Warps hooks into Essentials as an expansion so players previous locations are remembered when teleporting to a warp. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable essentials expansion?
# This expansion sets their last location before they teleport to a warp.
# You need Essentials installed for this to work!
enabled: true
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
Player Warps hooks into HuskHomes as an expansion so players previous locations are remembered when teleporting to a warp. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable huskhomes expansion?
# This expansion sets their last location before they teleport to a warp.
# You need HuskHomes installed for this to work!
enabled: true
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
Player Warps hooks into TokenManager as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the TokenManager currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the token manager currency.
prefix: "%price% tokens"
Player Warps hooks into PlayerPoints as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the PlayerPoints currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the player points currency.
prefix: "%price% points"
Player Warps hooks into BeastToken as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the BeastToken currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the beast token currency.
prefix: "%price% tokens"
Player Warps hooks into GemsEconomy as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the GemsEconomy currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the gemseconomy currency.
currency_name: "%price% gems"
Player Warps hooks into UltraEconomy as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the UltraEconomy currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The name that is used in-game to decide what currency to use.
name: "gems"
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the ultraeconomy currency.
currency_name: "%price% coins"
Player Warps hooks into EcoBits as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the EcoBits currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the eco bits currency.
currency_name: "%price% coins"
Player Warps hooks into CoinsEngine as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the CoinsEngine currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the coins engine currency.
currency_name: "%price% coins"
Player Warps hooks into RivalCredits as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the RivalCredits currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the rival credits currency.
prefix: "%price% credits"
Player Warps hooks into RivalHarvesterHoes as a currency so you can teleport/set/rent/rename/reset warps using this currency. Here is the default configuration for this addon.
# Do you want to enable the RivalHarvesterHoes currency?
enabled: false
# What version of this expansion do you want to download/use?
version: latest
# The prefix of the price variable, this is how you want the variable to show when using the rival harvester hoes currency.
prefix: "%price% credits"